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Report for av.com.sg


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Traffic Rank

5,136,596th most visited website in the World Trend: down (+2,689,497)
Traffic Rank is provided by Alexa

Visitors Localization

No data available.
Registering country code top level domains (ccTLD) can prevent potential competitors from taking advantage of your primary domain reputation. It is also one of the ways to improve country specific SEO and performance. (www.searchenginejournal.com/seo-without-boarders-a-guide-to-international-seo-nick-paterman/60092/)


We have located images with missing ALT attribute.
Number of images: 39
Missing alt tag: 26

List of images with missing ALT attributes:

  • images/examples/promotion-banner.png
  • images/index/top_side.jpg
  • images/index/middle_side.jpg
  • images/headser_events_showcase.gif
  • images/share/view_more.gif (2 locations)
  • images/share/spacer.gif (6 locations)
  • images/index/panel_display_over.gif
  • images/index/panel_videos_over.gif
  • images/index/panel_audio_over.gif
  • images/index/panel_lightings_over.gif
  • images/index/plane_plasma_wall_over.gif
  • images/index/panel_stage_over.gif
  • images/index/panel_flight_over.gif
  • images/index/panel_storage_over.gif
  • images/share/round_icon.gif (5 locations)
  • images/share/credit.gif
The "alt" attribute provides a text equivalent for the image. If the browser cannot display an image the alt description will be given in its place. Furthermore, some visitors cannot see images as they might be blind in which the alt tag provides a valuable image description. Finally, search engines utilize the alt attribute for image search indexing. (www.w3.org/QA/Tips/altAttribute)


We have found following title:

"Audio Video, Visual Equipment Rental & AV Event Supplies Rental"

Length: 63 characters
The <TITLE> element provides a short piece of text describing the document. The title is very important as it shows in the window title bars, bookmarks and search results. Title should be between 60 to 80 characters long. (www.w3.org/QA/Tips/good-titles)

Description Metatag

We have found following description:

"Active Visual Pte Ltd (AV) in Singapore - Specialist in Audio and Visual Equipment Rental services such as plasma display, tv, flight case, riser, platform etc. Call: 6834 0233 for more info."

Length: 191 characters

Warning: The description is 191 characters long. The optimal description should not exceed 160 characters (http://www.seomoz.org/learn-seo/meta-description).

The description attribute should provide a concise explanation of a Web page's content. Also, the description is often displayed on search engine results and can indirectly affect page ranking.

Keywords Metatag

We have found 5 keywords:
  • singapore
  • audio rental
  • visual equipment rental
  • audio visual rental
  • audio visual event
Length: 89 characters
The keywords attribute was utilized by search engines to provide more accurate search results. Due to the over usage and spamming the keywords attribute has been phased out and is no longer relevant. Google doesn't use the "keywords" meta tag in web search ranking.