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Report for tiermonster.com


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Traffic Rank

161,395th most visited website in the World Trend: down (+60,244)
89,616th most visited website in US United States
Traffic Rank is provided by Alexa

Visitors Localization

Low map legend High
CountryPercentDomain (ccTLD)Status
US United States38.0%tiermonster.usAvailable. Register it now!
UK United Kingdom9.7%tiermonster.co.ukAvailable. Register it now!
Registering country code top level domains (ccTLD) can prevent potential competitors from taking advantage of your primary domain reputation. It is also one of the ways to improve country specific SEO and performance. (www.searchenginejournal.com/seo-without-boarders-a-guide-to-international-seo-nick-paterman/60092/)


Perfect, all images have ALT attribute.
Number of images: 23
Missing alt tag: 0
The "alt" attribute provides a text equivalent for the image. If the browser cannot display an image the alt description will be given in its place. Furthermore, some visitors cannot see images as they might be blind in which the alt tag provides a valuable image description. Finally, search engines utilize the alt attribute for image search indexing. (www.w3.org/QA/Tips/altAttribute)


We have found following title:

" Smite Information & Events for Smite players. Find it all  on Tiermonster.com"

Length: 80 characters
The <TITLE> element provides a short piece of text describing the document. The title is very important as it shows in the window title bars, bookmarks and search results. Title should be between 60 to 80 characters long. (www.w3.org/QA/Tips/good-titles)

Description Metatag

We have found following description:

"Check your Smite player statistics, discover god builds and strategies, review our extensive charts and create god guides"

Length: 121 characters
The description attribute should provide a concise explanation of a Web page's content. Also, the description is often displayed on search engine results and can indirectly affect page ranking.

Keywords Metatag

We have found 14 keywords:
  • Smite
  • Smite MOBA
  • Smite God Guides
  • Smite Guides
  • God Strategy
  • Smite God Information
  • God Information
  • guides
  • player stats
  • league stats
  • top gods
  • smite database
  • smite statistics
  • player profiles
    Length: 187 characters
    The keywords attribute was utilized by search engines to provide more accurate search results. Due to the over usage and spamming the keywords attribute has been phased out and is no longer relevant. Google doesn't use the "keywords" meta tag in web search ranking.

    Text to HTML Ratio

    The Text to HTML ratio is 26.87%
    Original content is by far the single most important element to search engines. Low Text to HTML ratio indicates little content for search engines to index. We consider it to be good practice to have a Text to HTML ratio of at least 10% and ideal above 20%

    Keyword Density & Consistency

    Consistent Keywords % Density # Count T Title D Desc. H <H> A ALT B <b>
    patch compare0.54%4--1--
    home page0.41%3-----
    new version0.41%3-----
    god charts0.41%3-----
    page slide0.41%3-----
    home page slide0.41%3-----
    tiermonster login logo0.27%2-----
    patch compare utility0.27%2-----
    discover god builds0.14%1-1---
    smite player statistics0.14%1-1---
    Keywords density and consistency are notable factors for optimal page SEO. Preferred keywords should have higher keywords density indicating their importance. Optimally, preferred keywords should also be consistently utilized in multiple essential areas of the page such as title, description meta tag, h1 through h6 headings, alt image attributes, backlinks and internal links anchor text. Keyword density of above 6% can indicate that the word or a phrase appears too many time in the content.


    No frames detected.
    It is not recommended to use frames or iframes because they can cause problems for search engines. It is best to avoid frames and inline frames whenever possible (searchenginewatch.com/article/2064573/Search-Engines-and-Frames). If frames must be utilized consider <noframes> tag. (www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_noframes.asp).


    No flash detected.
    Flash and other reach-media technologies should primarily be utilized for decorative purposes. This makes your site more search engine friendly and improves accessibility (support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=72746#1).


    • 1 <H1>
      • Feature Highlight Patch Compare
    • 5 <H2>
      • Additions and Fixes
      • Maintenance
      • Site updates Razer Giveaway and more
      • Bringing the Green to Code Green
      • Free Rotation
    • 0 <H3>
    • 6 <H4>
      • Top 100
      • EMPTY
      • Top 100
      • EMPTY
      • Smite Builds, Guides,Player and God Information, Tournaments and more!
      • Tiermonster.Com
    • 25 <H5>
      • League Leaderboards
      • EMPTY
      • BaRRaCCuDDa 3882
      • NinjaDimi 3312
      • DaGarz 3232
      • EMC2 3212
      • WeakTHREEn 3169
      • Paul 2987
      • maniaKK 2852
      • BACZERS 2850
      • SoupKitchen 2849
      • Multiboxology 2849
      • Athena Support Guide
      • Zhong kui the op solo god of n...
      • THANATOS - Early Game Win
      • Sun-Wukong Sunday-Guide to bei...
      • Rama The God Of Easy Wins
      • Site
      • Information
      • Social
      • Contact
      • Members: 41,815
      • Matches: 22,913,560
      • Gods: 57
      • Items: 185
    • 1 <H6>
      • We're 41,815 members with 22,913,560 matches archived and growing!
    The <h1> to <h6> tags are used to define HTML headings. The <h1> tag should hold the title describing the content of a specific page therefore only one h1 tag is needed per page. There can be any number of h2 - h6 tags but they should be added in order of importance (www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_hn.asp).


    HTML 5
    The <!DOCTYPE> declaration tells the web browser about what version of HTML the page is written in. It is good practice to always add the <!DOCTYPE> declaration to the HTML documents, so that the browser knows what type of document to expect. (www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_DOCTYPE.asp)

    Character Encoding

    UTF-8 (Unicode)
    Covers: Worldwide
    To display an HTML page correctly, the browser must know what character-set to use.


    Declared Language: en (English)
    Language Attribute: en (English)
    The HTML "lang" attributes and language metatag define the base language to be used for displaying text and characters on a Website.

    W3C Markup Validation

    Status: FAILED [19 errors, 5 warning(s)]
    It is good practice to use valid HTML/XHTML markup as it ensures that the search engines can read the website correctly as well as it improves cross browser compatibility (W3C Markup Validation Service).