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Traffic Rank

5,955,061 most visited website in the World Trend: down (+3,097,359)
Traffic Rank is provided by Alexa

Visitors Localization

No data available.
Registering country code top level domains (ccTLD) can prevent potential competitors from taking advantage of your primary domain reputation. It is also one of the ways to improve country specific SEO and performance. (


We have located images with missing ALT attribute.
Number of images: 12
Missing alt tag: 12

List of images with missing ALT attributes:

  • //
  • //
  • //
  • //
  • //
  • //
  • //
  • //
  • //
  • //
  • //
  • //
The "alt" attribute provides a text equivalent for the image. If the browser cannot display an image the alt description will be given in its place. Furthermore, some visitors cannot see images as they might be blind in which the alt tag provides a valuable image description. Finally, search engines utilize the alt attribute for image search indexing. (


We have found following title:


Length: 4 characters
The <TITLE> element provides a short piece of text describing the document. The title is very important as it shows in the window title bars, bookmarks and search results. Title should be between 60 to 80 characters long. (

Description Metatag

No Description Found.
The description attribute should provide a concise explanation of a Web page's content. Also, the description is often displayed on search engine results and can indirectly affect page ranking.

Keywords Metatag

No Keywords Found.
The keywords attribute was utilized by search engines to provide more accurate search results. Due to the over usage and spamming the keywords attribute has been phased out and is no longer relevant. Google doesn't use the "keywords" meta tag in web search ranking.

Text to HTML Ratio

The Text to HTML ratio is 28.60%
Original content is by far the single most important element to search engines. Low Text to HTML ratio indicates little content for search engines to index. We consider it to be good practice to have a Text to HTML ratio of at least 10% and ideal above 20%

Keyword Density & Consistency

Consistent Keywords % Density # Count T Title D Desc. H <H> A ALT B <b>
banana box1.99%31--10--
wholesale grocery1.48%23--8--
box wholesale1.03%16--6--
banana boxes0.64%10--5--
salvage grocery0.51%8--3--
banana box wholesale1.03%16--6--
box wholesale grocery0.90%14--5--
banana box groceries0.38%6--3--
full truck load0.26%4--4--
banana box grocery0.26%4--1--
Keywords density and consistency are notable factors for optimal page SEO. Preferred keywords should have higher keywords density indicating their importance. Optimally, preferred keywords should also be consistently utilized in multiple essential areas of the page such as title, description meta tag, h1 through h6 headings, alt image attributes, backlinks and internal links anchor text. Keyword density of above 6% can indicate that the word or a phrase appears too many time in the content.


No frames detected.
It is not recommended to use frames or iframes because they can cause problems for search engines. It is best to avoid frames and inline frames whenever possible ( If frames must be utilized consider <noframes> tag. (


No flash detected.
Flash and other reach-media technologies should primarily be utilized for decorative purposes. This makes your site more search engine friendly and improves accessibility (


  • 3 <H1>
    • EMPTY
    • ​BANANA BOX WHOLESALEGROCERY​​Serving wholesale grocery stores, mom and pop grocery and salvage grocery stores. Never cherry picked, clean, shelf ready loads by the full and half truckload. Tired of badloads? Deal with the leader.
    • ​Readyanytime,coast to coast. Serving stores Nationwide since2006. Featured in Major Newspapers includingthe Wall Street Journal. Deal with the leader.
  • 1 <H2>
    • EMPTY
  • 170 <H3>
    • EMPTY
    • EMPTY
    • EMPTY
    • Banana Box Wholesale Grocery
    • EMPTY
    • No waiting, case goods and banana boxes ready for immediate delivery at excellent prices!
    • EMPTY
    • Have you ever wondered what the dates on most food labels mean? You might find them on
    • canned items, frozen food packages, and even meat or poultry products. Does it mean that
    • the product is unsafe after that date?
    • EMPTY
    • It seems that Pennsylvania has become the outlet capital for more than clothing. Now it’s
    • groceries! Amish, Mennonite and even Quaker and Pennsylvania Dutch, Veterans and
    • averagePEOPLEare opening banana box wholesale discount salvage grocery outlet stores
    • in the Tri-State Region and nationwide. Grocery shoppers who frequent stores such as
    • Amelia’s or other discount food stores are finding that their food budgets are greatly
    • stretched and a cart full of groceries can be purchased cheaper in such stores.
    • EMPTY
    • For those who are interested in making a business out of these salvage or mom and pop
    • stores by getting into the banana box wholesale grocery or discount salvage grocery
    • business, a manual is available for a nominal fee which presents the ins and outs of the
    • wholesale bent and dent and grocery overstock industry. This grocery manual is a must
    • for anyone who desires to become a grocery broker or open up a banana box grocery store
    • operation. These discount grocery stores sell in-date, near date, out of date groceries and
    • expired groceries. It seems that everyone after shopping at these stores wants to open one.
    • EMPTY
    • We found that railroad salvage, damaged groceries, banana box groceries, grocery
    • closeouts, surplus, grocery liquidators, grocery reclamation, grocery salvage, bent and
    • dent and salvage paper make up your areas of finding product.
    • EMPTY
    • Nothing however replaces a good broker or reclamation center relationship. Everyone
    • wants to know, how do I get into the business? There are no easy ways but we have proven
    • that an outsider can make it in the business and be very successful. As a mom and pop
    • grocery supplier or wholesale grocery supplier of short coded groceries and overstock,
    • you are the best friend the wholesale grocers have and are doing a tremendous service to
    • the grocery industry.
    • EMPTY
    • Amish Grocers have been very tight lipped but once you gain their trust will eventually
    • talk to you. That’s assuming they have the time. One grocery operator sells 32 loads a
    • month. That’s about 40,000 boxes a month. There is little time for talk in this business.
    • Running a grocery outlet is a full time job but the Amish and others have become very
    • successful by being open Monday through Saturday and closed on Sunday.
    • EMPTY
    • Grocery Overstock Management and liquidation encompasses a number of areas
    • including; Canned Foods such as fruit, soup, sauces and bulk groceries such as flour,
    • cereal and pasta. Sometimes these stores are called Bent and Dent Salvage or Bent and Dent
    • Groceries. Most times the food will be In Date, but a percentage will be Out of Date or Close
    • Dated. Some dealers sell Expired Groceries, Shelf pulls and HBA. Most of the inventory
    • comes directly from grocery store chains such as Albertsons, Giant, Weis, Acme, Kroger and
    • many others. Sometimes, Grocery inventory buybacks occur or an insurance company ends
    • up with an overturned truck or tractor trailer and must reimburse for a loss.
    • EMPTY
    • Grocery stores sometimes suffer bankruptcies and must be liquidated. From our experience,
    • Pennsylvania Amish, Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin Amish Grocery stores are thriving and
    • being opened by families or relatives. Other independents are coming on line fast as well.
    • Mennonites are big in the business and control a number of stores. Some have electricity
    • and some do not, but people come from miles around for the bargains and the fun.
    • EMPTY
    • Are You a Prepper?
    • You’ve seen the TV Show, Doomsday Preppers. People are getting prepared and some even
    • believe it might be the end of the world as we know it, while most others are a little more
    • optimistic. Being prepared has always been a prudent thing. Disasters can strike anywhere
    • andanytime. Even the U.S. Government believes that stocking up on 3 days or more of food
    • and water is prudent.
    • EMPTY
    • We’ve seen more customers who are not owners of grocery stores begin to order and stock
    • up on food. Sometimes, families go in together on a full truck load of groceries and other
    • times, they split a half truckload of banana box groceries, case goods or other
    • non-perishable food.
    • EMPTY
    • The Amish, Mennonite and just plain old Daniel Boone types are taking advantage of the
    • ability to stock up on food items such including Juice, Candy, Soup, Cereal, Gum, Snacks,
    • Soda Pop, Macaroni and Cheese, Instant Breakfast, Cocoa, Tea, Coffee. But that’s not all,
    • how about Cooking Oils, Breakfast Bars, Chips, Salsa, Hamburger Helper, Pudding, Water,
    • Drink Mixes, Power Drinks, Canned Goods, Boxed Goods, Tooth Paste, Canned Fruit,
    • Dry Groceries, and Beef Jerky. All of these products are National Brand Foods and
    • Private label Foods with long shelf life.
    • EMPTY
    • So the next time someone asks you if you are a doomer or if you are a prepper? Just say, no!
    • Tell them you belong to a food co-op that buys groceries by the truckload, cutting out
    • the middleman and saving you 50% to upwards of 70% off grocery store prices.
    • EMPTY
    • Our Banana boxes are always full, clean, clearly marked, sealed and ready for immediate
    • delivery from one of our many supply and reclamation facilities close to you.
    • EMPTY
    • We sell banana boxes and case goods in full truckloads with 48 boxes per pallet and
    • usually 26 pallets per full truck load and usually 1248 boxes total. If you require more
    • than a truckload, please call or email.
    • EMPTY
    • If you need less than a truckload, we can help you too. If you are seeking manifested
    • banana boxes, case goodsor manifested banana box groceries, please email or call us.
    • We are your source for reverse logistics and wholesale groceries.
    • EMPTY
    • If you are trying to open a new store or improve an existing one, please email or call us for
    • a no obligation consultation.
    • EMPTY
    • Banana Boxes generally consist of: Many in date products Close to Expiration Date, Misc
    • Items, Slightly Past Expiration Date, Shelf Pulls, Dented Cans, Overstock, Crushed Corners,
    • Razor Cut Boxes, and Label Changes featuring:
    • CANNED foods
    • Juice
    • Candy
    • Soup
    • Cereal
    • Gum
    • Snacks
    • Soda Pop
    • Macaroni and Cheese
    • Instant Breakfast
    • Cocoa
    • Tea
    • Coffee
    • Cooking Oils
    • Breakfast Bars
    • Chips
    • Salsa
    • Hamburger Helper
    • Pudding
    • Water
    • Drink Mixes
    • Power Drinks
    • Canned Goods
    • Boxed Goods
    • Tooth Paste
    • HBA
    • Canned Fruit
    • Dry Groceries
    • Beef Jerky
    • EMPTY
    • National Brand Foods, GOURMET andPrivate label Foods
    • EMPTY
    • Don’t be fooled by imitators, we are the original Banana Box Wholesale Grocery(tm)
    • EMPTY
    • EMPTY
    • Are you a Veteran, law enforcement officer, unemployed, a displaced auto worker or just
    • simply ready to go into Business?
    • EMPTY
    • Banana Box Wholesale Grocery is offering a grant to you in the amount of up to $36,000.00*
    • (Never Repay) Veterans, law enforcement, under employed Program: If you are a veteran, a
    • family member of a veteran, law enforcement or first responder, or are unemployed or
    • under employed and would be interested in opening a grocery outlet, flea market or
    • otherwise sell wholesale groceries, please contact us via email and put GRANT in the
    • subject line of the email: *Our program will give you money to help you start your business.
    • We will grant you a total of up to $36,000 to use to apply towards inventory you purchase
    • from us in your store, flea market or wholesale outlet over a 3 year period. You receive up
    • to $1,000 off the price of our grocery loads for up to 36 months or 36 full truckload
    • grocery orders, which ever comes first. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. There are some
    • restrictions, but all Veterans automatically qualify. Family members of veterans also
    • qualify. If you are not a veteran, you may qualify for a $12,000, 3 year grant.
    • EMPTY
    • Here is how the program works: For every order you place (full truck load) we will deduct
    • $1,000 from every order you place over a 36 month period Back to work program for those
    • in The Auto Industry: If you are a present or former auto employee who is leaving the
    • industry or has been displaced due to the economy, you are entitled to a grant from our
    • company in the amount of $36,000 over a 36 month period. Our program will give you
    • discount money to help you start your business. We will grant you a total of up to $36,000
    • to use to apply towards inventory you purchase from us in your store, flea market or
    • wholesale outlet over a 3 year period. There are some restrictions but the program works
    • like this: For every order you place (full truck load) we will deduct $1,000 from every order
    • you place over a 36 month period. Everyone who can show proof of unemployment, job
    • displacement from the auto industry or a veteran, you automatically qualify.
    • EMPTY
    • New Customers who are not veterans, family of veterans, law enforcement, unemployed or
    • underemployed: Please accept our offer of extending you a $500.00 discount off the
    • purchase of your first truckload of our WHOLESALE GROCERY products. Not combinable
    • with any offer.
    • EMPTY
    • EMPTY
    • Privacy PolicyTerms of ServiceDisclaimer of Warranties Copyright Information
  • 0 <H4>
  • 0 <H5>
  • 0 <H6>
The <h1> to <h6> tags are used to define HTML headings. The <h1> tag should hold the title describing the content of a specific page therefore only one h1 tag is needed per page. There can be any number of h2 - h6 tags but they should be added in order of importance (


The <!DOCTYPE> declaration tells the web browser about what version of HTML the page is written in. It is good practice to always add the <!DOCTYPE> declaration to the HTML documents, so that the browser knows what type of document to expect. (

Character Encoding

UTF-8 (Unicode)
Covers: Worldwide
To display an HTML page correctly, the browser must know what character-set to use.


Declared Language: en (English)
Language Attribute: en (English)
The HTML "lang" attributes and language metatag define the base language to be used for displaying text and characters on a Website.

W3C Markup Validation

Status: FAILED [54 errors, 32 warning(s)]
It is good practice to use valid HTML/XHTML markup as it ensures that the search engines can read the website correctly as well as it improves cross browser compatibility (W3C Markup Validation Service).

Deprecated HTML elements

<font>8The font element has been deprecated in favor of the font and color style properties.
A deprecated element is one that has been outdated by newer constructs. Deprecated elements may become obsolete in future versions of HTML so it is recommended not to use them.

Nested HTML Tables

Great, no nested tables detected.
In general it is not recommended to use nested tables or to utilize tables for page layout. Nested tables are known to cause performance issues due to increased HTML size and rendering time. It is better to use CSS layout instead.

Web Analytics

No web anlytics tools found.
Web Analytics Tools collect and measure information about visitor activity on a website. Well interpreted web traffic data is invaluable in determining a successfully web strategy and assessing the effectiveness of a website. At a minimum, we recommend to utilize at least one web analytics tool.


A robots.txt file restricts access to search engine robots that crawl the web. (

XML Sitemap

Found following XML sitemap(s):
Sitemaps inform search engines about pages available for crawling. In its simplest form, a Sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a site along with additional metadata about each URL. XML sitemap should help search engines to crawl the site more intelligently. (

Mobile Rendering

Mobile internet usage has been exceeding PC's since 2014 and growing so it is critical for pages to render correctly on mobile devices.

Mobile Optimization

Mobile PageSpeed analyzes webpages and evaluates its performance while providing suggestions on reducing page load times. Google is incorporating website speed in search ranking (

Mobile Experience

Mobile users have now become a critical part of online visits. Making the website mobile friendly is no longer an option but rather necessity. (


The Favicon is a small icon associated with a website. The Favicon is important because it is displayed next to the website's URL in the address bar of the browser as well as in bookmarks and shortcuts.

Custom 404 Error Page

No custom 404 error page detected.
A 404 is a standard http response code for a resource that cannot be located on the server. Web servers usually return a "404 Not Found" error page for non-existing pages. Unfortunately, these default error pages are very generic and a not very user friendly, therefore, using a custom 404 error page is highly recommended.

Process of returning http status code "200 OK" for a non-existent page or redirecting users to another url is called soft 404. Soft 404 errors are problematic for search engines and are not advisable. (


Could not locate print-friendly CSS.
Print-friendly pages are designed to fit on an 8.5"x11" or A4 sheet and usually include only the content of the page, along with source information.

W3C CSS Validation

Status: FAILED [45 error(s)]
It is recommended to use valid CSS to ensure that the website displays correctly. (W3C CSS Validation Service).

Domain Age

Your domain was registerd for the first time: 12 years, 6 months, 20 days ago.
Age of the domain is one of the many signals that search engines utilize for ranking. Brand new domains generally have more difficult time to rank high for the first few months.

Domain Expiration

Your domain expires in: 5 months, 10 days, 12 hours.
Domain expiration far in to the future is considered a good practice as it promotes confidence in your website, decreases chances of losing domain and in certain cases might help with search engine ranking. (

IP Canonicalization

No, your site's IP does not redirect to
Some web spiders index websites using IP as well as domain name which can cause duplicate content if there is no IP Canonicalization.

URL Canonicalization

Yes, both the and resolve to the same URL.
Domain name with WWW and without can be considered as different pages causing duplicate content for search engines. (

Page Speed

Google Page Speed score: 90% (High)
Rq. Requests Hst. Hosts LT Load time Html Img Images JS JavaScript CSS F Flash O Other PS Page Size
3771.04s51.17 KB316.45 KB154.27 KB37.64 KB0 B33.38 KB592.9 KB

Avoid landing page redirects
Enable compression
Leverage browser caching
Reduce server response time
Minify CSS
Minify HTML
Minify JavaScript
Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
Optimize images
Prioritize visible content

Subscribe for more details
PageSpeed analyzes webpages and evaluates its performance while providing suggestions on reducing page load times. Google is now incorporating website speed in search ranking (

Server Information


Server IP:
Server Location:
US ARIZONA, Scottsdale

Name Server 1: (
Name Server 2: (
Your server's IP address and location have minor impact on the country specific SEO. It is recommend to host the website in the country where the number of vistors is desired to be the highest. Search engines take the geolocation of a server into account. (


Issued To:
Common Name (CN):
Common Name (CN):
Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2
Oranization (O):, Inc.
Oranizational Unit (OU):
Period of Validity
Begins On:
Expires On:
Google™ is now treating HTTPS as a ranking signal. HTTPS is a secure web protocol that allows for encrypted communication between website and the client. HTTPS protocol requires your website to have an SSL certificate, which can be purchased from a Certificate Authority (CA) or SSL vendor. (

Safe Browsing

Safe Browsing is a service provided by Google that enables applications to check URLs against Google's constantly updated lists of suspected phishing and malware pages. If your site is marked as unsafe see our guide on how to fix websites blocked by google safe browsing

Spam Blacklist

Good, your IP is not blacklisted.
Spammer directories provide lists of IPs from which spam distribution is reported. Emails sent from the blocked IPs are subject to closer scrutiny and are much less likely to be delivered. For email campaigns it is recommended to utilize professional email services to ensure that your website IP is not blocked. (

Email Address Obfuscation

There are 3 emails in plain text on the webpage:
It is recommended to obfuscate email addresses posted in public. This prevents email addresses from being automatically harvested by spam bots which helps to decrease number of unsolicited emails. See our email obfuscation techniques guide for more details.

Directory Browsing

Great, your server has directory browsing disabled.
Protect Webserver directories from unwanted browsing. To enhance security, directory browsing should be disabled unless you have a specific reason to enable it. If you enable directory browsing, make sure that you only enable it on the particular directory or directories that you want to share. (

Whois Privacy

Registration Private
Domains By Proxy, LLC
14747 N Northsight Blvd Suite 111, PMB 309, Scottsdale, 85260, US
Administrative Contact:
Registration Private
Domains By Proxy, LLC
14747 N Northsight Blvd Suite 111, PMB 309, Scottsdale, 85260, US
Technical Contact:
Registration Private
Domains By Proxy, LLC
14747 N Northsight Blvd Suite 111, PMB 309, Scottsdale, 85260, US
Whois Privacy is a service that prevents domain owner contact information from being displayed in the publicly available Whois records. This can help to cut down on unwanted spam but utilizing Whois privacy should be evaluated against business model and branding strategy.

Server Signature

On, DPS/1.0.6
Attackers can utilize server signature versioning information to their advantage therefore it is recommended to disable it when possible.